Song Club is the perfect way to supercharge your solo singing.

We provide all the ingredients to help you develop your voice: a supportive environment, feedback and help in developing goals and that secret ingredient that we all need, a deadline!

Check out the playlist of some of the songs available to learn this season here.

Our regular weekly sessions are held on zoom so you can participate from anywhere and we also offer real life performance opportunities in Melbourne. Sessions are held on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 and Fridays at 1pm and you can come to as many session as you like.

Song Club is led by Vicky Jacobs who has developed a reputation for getting everyone singing at their best: from Australia’s music theatre stars to the most nervous new singers.

Our next season is focussing on the evolution of pop singing. Here are all the details:

Song Club: Pop through the decades

Times: Wednesdays at 7:30pm and Fridays at 1pm – pick whichever sessions suit you
Where: Your place! We get together on zoom
Dates: July 31 – October 25
Optional performance: Wednesday October 30 at The Butterfly Club
Cost: $220. Concession available for pensioners and health care card holders. 10% discount for singers currently enrolled in Glee Plus, Glee West or Glee East.

Introductory sessions: July 31 and August 2. Completely free – just register using the button below.

Here’s how it works:

  • You learn a song at home. We put a heap of songs in a dropbox with EVERYTHING you need to learn them: reference tracks of a great performance of the song, practice tracks and some notes on how to approach it.
  • We get together on zoom and sing for each other with constructive feedback from the session leader and lots of praise and encouragement from our fellow singers. There is never any pressure to sing – just have a go when you’re ready.
  • It’s not a singing lesson! It’s an opportunity to share your singing and apply your own knowledge and skills to develop your performance.
  • You’ll be amazed at how a supportive environment, the right learning materials and a deadline will supercharge your singing!

Here’s what some of our Song Clubbers have said:

“I feel a liberation and confidence in zoom compared with live performance. Thanks for your kind words and encouragement.”

“I’m so much better at being organised and learning things if I’m accountable to someone.”

“I have loved learning new songs each week and have learned so much listening to the others sing too”.