Led by renowned Musical Director and Head Gleeber, Vicky Jacobs, Glee Plus rehearse in 10 week seasons towards a performance.

We rehearse on Saturday afternoons 4:00 – 6:00 at the fabulous Malthouse Theatre in the heart of Southbank. And we don’t have tea break – we have Wine Time!

There are no auditions for Glee Plus – just a willingness to throw yourself in and give it a go.

It’s no drama if you miss a week or two – we understand that we all live busy lives and so we zoom and record the sessions and give you lots of resources so you can sing at home and catch up.

We love to accept new members at the start of every 10 week season.

Season 3 is now open for registrations

We’ll be singing Songs of Stage and Screen and can’t wait to get singing this fantastic list of songs with you all.

Here are all the details:

Dates: July 13 – Sept 7
Performance: September 14 at The Malthouse Theatre- please keep the afternoon and evening free
Rehearsals: Saturdays 4:00 – 6:00 at The Malthouse
Cost: $300 with a 10% discount if you are also reigstered for Glee East, Glee West or Song Club.
20% reduction if you hold a current health care or pensioners card.

Looking ahead:

Here are our planned season dates for the rest of 2024.

Season 3: July 13 – September 7 with a performance at The Malthouse Theatre on September 14

Season 4: October 12 – December 7 with a performance at Heide Modern Art Gallery on December 8